Tag Archives: books

Wedding Planning 101: Hitting the Books

Knowing that we had a lot of time, I set myself up with a lot of library books on wedding planning and went to work researching.  If you have time to spare, I would highly recommend this approach, because I got a lot of great ideas (and some reassurance on my existing ideas) from the books I read.

Some of my favorite reads:

The Everything Bridesmaid Book – via Amazon

Bridal Bargains – via Amazon

The Wedding Book – via Amazon

and a heartwarming book written by a mother-daughter duo, gifted by MOH PT:

How I Planned Your Wedding – via Amazon

I joked about gifting the bridesmaid book to all of my girls so that they would know how to act appropriately for the wedding, but they have all been involved with weddings before, so they know how things work.  I would highly recommend it to first-time bridesmaids, or even infrequent bridesmaids like myself, as a refresher.  It had some great insights, and I used it to adjust my expectations of bridesmaids for myself as a bride as well.

Did you spend a lot of time reading up on weddings?  Do you have a favorite planning book?  Are any of your girls first-time bridesmaids?